On October the 19th, we'll release Exchanger v2.

18 Oct 2021, 09:39
On October the 19th, we'll release Exchanger v2.2, which supports #Bitcoin $BTC, #Stably #Dollar $USDS, and #Binance Coin $BNB, as well as #Ethereum $ETH, ADAMANT $ADM, #Dash $DASH, and $RES. #Anonymous messenger with exchanger https://t.co/gU4VWKgDmH, Tor

Same news in other sources

19 Oct 2021, 06:43
Now you can exchange #Bitcoin $BTC, #Ethereum $ETH, #Dash $DASH, #Stably Dollar $USDS, #Binance coin $BNB in the decentralized ADAMANT Messenger. @Dashpay @BTC_Archive @ethereum @Stably_Official @binance @cz_binance @VitalikButerin
Now you can exchange #Bitcoin $BTC, #Ethereum $ETH, #Dash $DASH, #Stably Dollar $USDS, #Binance coin $BNB in the decentralized A
Now you can exchange #Bitcoin $BTC, #Ethereum $ETH, #Dash $DASH, #Stably Dollar $USDS, #Binance coin $BNB in the decentralized ADAMANT Messenger. https://t.co/pT6HLf09Kx @Dashpay @BTC_Archive @ethereum @Stably_Official @binance @cz_binance @VitalikButerin