Do you know that you can earn $ADM supporting the #decentralized #messaging infrastructure. - 500k ADM owner. Run a delegate.

20 Aug 2023, 07:07
Do you know that you can earn $ADM supporting the #decentralized #messaging infrastructure? - 500k ADM owner? Run a delegate - Own less, but can attract voters? Run a #forging pool - Any ADM amount in your #wallet: Vote for forging pool

Same news in other sources

20 Aug 2023, 07:10
Do you know that you can earn ADM supporting the decentralized messaging infrastructure? - 500k ADM owner? Run a delegate - Own less, but can attract voters? Run a forging pool - Any ADM amount in your wallet: Vote for forging pool
Do you know that you can earn ADM supporting the decentralized messaging infrastructure. - 500k ADM owner. Run a delegate.
Do you know that you can earn ADM supporting the decentralized messaging infrastructure? - 500k ADM owner? Run a delegate - Own less, but can attract voters? Run a forging pool - Any ADM amount in your wallet: Vote for forging pool